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Contributing to Dynamiqs

We warmly welcome all contributions. If you're a junior developer or physicist, you can start with a small utility function, and move on to bigger problems as you discover the library's internals. If you're more experienced and want to implement more advanced features, don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss what would suit you.

To contribute efficiently, a few guidelines are compiled below.


The project was written using Python 3.9+, you must have a compatible version of Python (i.e. >= 3.9) installed on your computer.


Clone the repository and dive in:

git clone
cd dynamiqs

We strongly recommend that you create a virtual environment to install the project dependencies. You can then install the library (in editable mode) with all its dependencies:

pip install -e .

You also need to install the developer dependencies:

pip install -e ".[dev]"

Code style

This project follows PEP8 and uses automatic formatting and linting tools to ensure that the code is compliant.

The maximum line length is 88, we recommend that you set this limit in your IDE.


Before submitting a pull request (run all tasks)

Run all tasks before each commit:

task all

Run some tasks automatically before each commit

Alternatively, you can use pre-commit to automatically run the cleaning tasks (ruff + codespell) before each commit:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Build the documentation

The documentation is built using MkDocs and the Material for MkDocs theme. MkDocs generates a static website based on the markdown files in the docs/ directory.

To preview the changes to the documentation as you edit the docstrings or the markdown files in docs/, we recommend starting a live preview server, which will automatically rebuild the website upon modifications:

task docserve

Open http://localhost:8000/ in your web browser to preview the documentation website.

You can build the static documentation website locally with:

task docbuild

This will create a site/ directory with the contents of the documentation website. You can then simply open site/index.html in your web browser to view the documentation website.

Run specific tasks

You can also execute tasks individually:

> task --list
lint         lint the code (ruff)
format       auto-format the code (ruff)
codespell    check for misspellings (codespell)
clean        clean the code (ruff + codespell)
test         run the unit tests suite (pytest)
doctest-code check code docstrings examples (doctest)
doctest-docs check documentation examples (doctest)
doctest      check all examples (doctest)
docbuild     build the documentation website
docserve     preview documentation website with hot-reloading
all          run all tasks before a commit (ruff + codespell + pytest + doctest)
ci           run all the CI checks