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Result of the Schrödinger equation integration.


  • states (array of shape (..., nsave, n, 1)) –

    Saved states with nsave = ntsave, or nsave = 1 if options.save_states is set to False.

  • final_state (array of shape (..., n, 1)) –

    Saved final state.

  • expects (array of shape (..., len(exp_ops), ntsave) or None) –

    Saved expectation values, if specified by exp_ops.

  • extra (PyTree or None) –

    Extra data saved with save_extra() if specified in options (see dq.Options).

  • infos (PyTree or None) –

    Solver-dependent information on the resolution.

  • tsave (array of shape (ntsave,)) –

    Times for which results were saved.

  • solver (Solver) –

    Solver used.

  • gradient (Gradient) –

    Gradient used.

  • options (Options) –

    Options used.

Result of running multiple simulations concurrently

The resulting states and expectation values are batched according to the leading dimensions of the Hamiltonian H and initial state psi0. The behaviour depends on the value of the cartesian_batching option

The results leading dimensions are

... = ...H, ...psi0
For example if:

  • H has shape (2, 3, n, n),
  • psi0 has shape (4, n, 1),

then states has shape (2, 3, 4, ntsave, n, 1).

The results leading dimensions are

... = ...H = ...psi0  # (once broadcasted)
For example if:

  • H has shape (2, 3, n, n),
  • psi0 has shape (3, n, 1),

then states has shape (2, 3, ntsave, n, 1).

See the Batching simulations tutorial for more details.